Tables in CSS

Tables can be created using table tag.
PopulationGDP per capitaPopulationGDP per capita
25.69 million$51,8121.38 billion$1900
Australia has more gdp per capita

Here is the html source of above table.

    <th colSpan={2}>Australia</th>
    <th colSpan={2}>India</th>

    <td>GDP per capita</td>
    <td>GDP per capita</td>
    <td>25.69 million</td>
    <td>1.38 billion</td>
    <th colSpan={4}>Australia has more gdp per capita</th>

Styling tables

Most of the times, you will need to apply 2 different background colors in alternate rows. You can do this using below selectors.

tr:nth-child(odd) {
tr:nth-child(even) {

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