Welcome to C sharp tutorial

You will learn all C sharp concepts here!! C sharp is a .net language introduced in 2002. To work with c sharp.net you need to install visual studio.


You should be knowing basics of programming


In this tutorial, we will see below topics


  • Setting up environment
  • Common Language Infrastructure
  • Comparison with Java
  • MSTest and unit testing framework
  • Comparison of dot net unit test frameworks
It is very easy to start with programming in C#.Net All you have to do is download and install microsoft visual studio - community edition . Once it is installed, you can start coding in C#.net .Net framework is required for building and running C#.net programs so you will have to install it as well. From IDE, you can write console, web or desktop based applications CLI - Common Language Infrastructure In .net CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), there are many standard libraries as mentioned below

Web development and Automation testing

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