Cloud Testing

Considering permuation and combination of devices, browsers, operating systems, it is advisable to run tests in cloud. There are many cloud testing providers as mentioned below.

AWS device farm

AWS device farm lets you run the automated tests on various platforms like IE, Firefox, Chrome, iPhones, Android phones etc To run aws tests, you need to do the following
  • Create pom with required plug-ins
  • Add assembly XML in src\main\assembly
  • write below code and mvn package -DskipTests=true and mvn assembly:single
  • upload the zip with dependency to cloud
You can find the dev guide at AWS device farm


Browserstack is used by many well known companies in the world. Browserstack helps you automate websites and mobile apps on various browsers like IE, Safari, Firefox and major operating systems like linux, windows and Mac. You can also test iOS and Android apps in the cloud.


Saucelabs provides cloud based testing services. It is similar to Browserstack. It helps you automate websites and mobile apps on various browsers like IE, Safari, Firefox and major operating systems like linux, windows and Mac. You can also test iOS and Android apps in the cloud.

Web development and Automation testing

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