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poll and push strategies in system design

In system design, data distribution and synchronization across different components or services can be achieved using various strategies, with "poll" (pull-based) and "push" (push-based) being two fundamental approaches. Each strategy has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them often depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as real-time needs, resource constraints, and scalability.

Poll (Pull-Based) Strategy

In a poll-based strategy, the client periodically requests (or "polls") data from a server or another service to check for updates. This is a pull mechanism because the client initiates the request and "pulls" the data from the server.



Push (Push-Based) Strategy

In a push-based strategy, the server notifies the client whenever there are new data or updates available. The server "pushes" the update to the client without the client having to request (poll) for it periodically.



Choosing Between Poll and Push

The choice between poll and push strategies depends on several factors:

Published on: Feb 28, 2024, 01:06 AM  


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