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is Tailwind CSS better than traditional CSS

Whether Tailwind CSS is "better" than traditional CSS depends on the context and your specific needs. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides pre-designed utility classes to build user interfaces quickly. Traditional CSS, on the other hand, involves writing custom styles from scratch.

Here are some factors to consider when comparing Tailwind CSS to traditional CSS:

  1. Development Speed: Tailwind CSS can speed up development since it offers a set of ready-to-use utility classes that you can apply directly to your HTML elements. This can save you time compared to writing custom CSS for each component.

  2. Consistency: Tailwind CSS encourages a consistent design language by using predefined utility classes. This can help maintain a unified look and feel across your application.

  3. Learning Curve: Tailwind CSS has a learning curve, especially if you're new to utility-first approaches. Traditional CSS might be more familiar if you're already experienced with standard CSS practices.

  4. Customization: Traditional CSS allows for more fine-grained control over styling, whereas Tailwind CSS provides a set of utilities that might not cover all design scenarios. However, Tailwind is customizable, allowing you to extend or modify utility classes as needed.

  5. File Size: Tailwind CSS can lead to larger file sizes due to the inclusion of all utility classes, even if you're not using all of them. Custom-written CSS can be more optimized for your specific design requirements.

  6. Maintenance: Tailwind CSS can make maintenance easier by providing a clear structure and reducing the need for writing new CSS rules. However, if you heavily customize Tailwind or rely on many utility classes, it might become harder to manage over time.

  7. Team Collaboration: Tailwind CSS can facilitate team collaboration by providing a common set of utility classes that team members can use consistently.

  8. Project Scope: The suitability of Tailwind CSS vs. traditional CSS can depend on the size and complexity of your project. Tailwind CSS might be more beneficial for smaller projects with tight deadlines.

Published on: Aug 10, 2023, 12:09 AM  


"Tailwind CSS can lead to larger file sizes due to the inclusion of all utility classes, even if you're not using all of them" This is solved by TailwindCSS already, the CLI removes unnused classes.

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