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Can aws s3 presigned urls be accessed by public?

Anyone with access to a presigned URL can use it to access the content it points to until the URL expires. Presigned URLs are generated by your server using your AWS credentials and grant temporary access to a private object in an S3 bucket. Because the access permission is embedded within the URL itself, including an expiration time, anyone who possesses the URL can access the object it references, without needing to authenticate or have direct access to the AWS account.

This is both a feature and a potential risk of using presigned URLs:



Implementation Considerations:

When implementing a system that uses presigned URLs, especially for sensitive or paid content, it's important to carefully consider the balance between user convenience and security. Adjusting the expiration time based on the content type and expected usage, and implementing additional security measures as needed, can help mitigate the risks associated with presigned URL sharing.

Published on: Feb 29, 2024, 03:29 AM  


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