Specflow HTML report

We can write to HTML report generated in SpecFlow using Console.WritLine method as shown in below example.
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using System;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;

namespace SpecFlowRunnerProject
    public class BaseStep
        protected MySharedThings things;

        public BaseStep(MySharedThings sharedThings) {
            this.things = sharedThings;

        public void before()
            Console.WriteLine("Running feature -> "
                + FeatureContext.Current.FeatureInfo.Title);

              Console.WriteLine("Running Scenario -> " 
                  + ScenarioContext.Current.ScenarioInfo.Title);

            things.driver = new FirefoxDriver();
            Console.WriteLine("Launching firefox");


        public void after()
            if (ScenarioContext.Current.TestError != null)
                Console.WriteLine("An error Message -> " 
                    + ScenarioContext.Current.TestError.Message);

                //Here we can take screenshot


Here is the HTML report showing the messages logged by Console.WriteLine

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