Scenario background in Specflow

Sometimes, we need to execute certain steps, before every scenario in the same feature file. Backgrounds allow you to reuse same steps across multiple scenarios. For example – to test some feature, we might need to filter records before every scenario. So we can put the steps required to filter the records inside Background. These steps would be executed every time each scenario in the same feature file is executed. Consider below feature file.
Feature: This is a simple feature file to demonstrate Background
Background: This is a background
	Given I visit a bank ATM

Scenario: ATM money withdrawal scenario-1 using Background
	Given I have $1000 in my account 
	When I withdraw $200 from ATM
	Then my balance should be $800

Scenario: ATM money withdrawal scenario-2 using Background
	Given I have $3000 in my account 
	When I withdraw $200 from ATM
	Then my balance should be $2800

When we execute this feature file, steps in the background are executed before every scenario. Here is the sample output of above scenario execution.

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