Working with multiple windows in Selenium in php

Below example shows how to Work with multiple Browser Windows or tabs in Selenium in PHP.
class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

protected $driver;

public function setUp()
$capabilities = array(WebDriverCapabilityType::BROWSER_NAME => ‘chrome’);
$this->driver = RemoteWebDriver::create(‘https://localhost:4444/wd/hub’, $capabilities);

public function testBrowserWindows()

$mainHandle = $this->driver->getWindowHandle();
echo (“
 Main window handle -> ” . $mainHandle );

$this->driver->findElement(WebDriverBy::linkText(“Selenium in Java”))->click();

$HandleSet = $this->driver->getWindowHandles();

echo (“
 Total count of window handles -> ” . sizeof($HandleSet) );
//Switching to the popup window.

foreach( $HandleSet as $handle)
//Switch to newly created window
echo (“
 window handle of new window -> ” . $handle );

echo (“
 Title of new window -> ” . $this->driver->getTitle() );


public function tearDown()
//Quit the driver

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