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Exams conducted by the International Science Olympiads

The International Science Olympiads (https://www.theinternationalolympiad.com/) are a series of prestigious international competitions in various fields of science, including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, and Earth Sciences. These Olympiads aim to identify and nurture young talents in science and promote interest and excellence in scientific disciplines. Here are some key points about International Science Olympiad exams!

Types of Olympiads

The International Science Olympiads typically include the following major categories:


Students participating in these Olympiads are usually in their late teens (high school students) and have excelled in their respective national or regional science competitions.


The Olympiads typically consist of two rounds:


Each Olympiad focuses on specific topics related to its field:

Indian boy Chirag Falor won gold in one of the competetion held by International Science Olympiads!! Chirag Falor also topped JEE exam in 2020!!

Published on: Sep 13, 2023, 01:42 AM  


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