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Recommended youtube channels related to farming and agriculture in Maharashtra

Here is the list of recommended youtube channels related to agriculture in Maharashtra.

You can also look at below channels.

  1. Krishi Jagran: The YouTube channel of Krishi Jagran provides informative videos on various aspects of farming, including crop cultivation, modern farming techniques, and agribusiness ideas.

  2. Maharashtra Agriculture: This channel focuses on agriculture-related information specific to Maharashtra, such as crop cultivation, agricultural practices, and government schemes.

  3. Green TV India: Green TV India offers videos on organic farming, sustainable agriculture practices, and success stories of farmers from Maharashtra and other regions.

  4. Agro Krishi India: This channel covers various farming-related topics, including agricultural techniques, organic farming, and success stories of farmers from Maharashtra and other states.

  5. ICAR- Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR): Although not specific to Maharashtra, this channel provides valuable information on horticulture and cultivation practices that can be relevant to farmers across India.

Published on: Jul 22, 2023, 09:44 AM  


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