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How to control weeds in backyard in Brisbane

In Brisbane, like in any other region, several types of weeds can be commonly found. Some of the common types of weeds in Brisbane include:

  1. Bindii (Soliva sessilis): Bindii is a low-growing weed that produces small, spiky seed pods that can be painful when stepped on. It often appears in lawns and bare areas.

  2. Clover (Trifolium spp.): Clover is a small, low-growing weed with trifoliate leaves that can invade lawns and garden beds.

  3. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): Dandelions are easily recognizable with their bright yellow flowers and puffball seed heads. They can be found in lawns and open areas.

  4. Oxalis (Oxalis spp.): Oxalis, also known as soursob or wood sorrel, has clover-like leaves and produces small yellow flowers. It can be found in lawns and garden beds.

  5. Paspalum (Paspalum spp.): Paspalum is a grassy weed commonly found in lawns and open areas. It can form patches and compete with desirable grass species.

  6. Nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus): Nutgrass, also known as purple nutsedge, is a perennial grass-like weed with triangular stems. It thrives in moist areas.

  7. Summergrass (Digitaria sanguinalis): Summergrass is an annual grassy weed with thin, wiry stems and can be found in lawns and disturbed areas.

  8. Lantana (Lantana camara): Lantana is a woody shrub with colorful flowers that can become invasive in natural areas.

  9. Giant Rat's Tail Grass (Sporobolus pyramidalis): This weed is a perennial grass that can form dense infestations in open areas and pastures.

  10. Asiatic Dayflower (Commelina communis): The Asiatic dayflower is a low-growing weed with distinctive blue flowers. It can be found in gardens and disturbed areas.

  11. Wandering Jew (Tradescantia spp.): Wandering Jew is a creeping perennial weed with fleshy leaves and purple flowers. It can be invasive in garden beds.

  12. Blackberry Nightshade (Solanum nigrum): Blackberry nightshade is an annual weed with small white flowers and black berries. It can be found in disturbed areas.

Controlling weeds

Controlling weeds in your Brisbane backyard requires a combination of preventive measures, manual methods, and, if necessary, the use of herbicides. Here are some effective strategies to control weeds:

  1. Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch (e.g., straw, wood chips, or compost) around your plants and garden beds. Mulch helps suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight, preventing weed seeds from germinating, and keeping the soil moist.

  2. Hand Pulling: Regularly inspect your backyard and manually pull out weeds as soon as you spot them. Be sure to remove the entire weed, including its roots, to prevent regrowth. It involves lot of physical effort so I would not recommend it.

  3. Mowing: Keep your lawn well-maintained and mow it regularly at the recommended height for the type of grass you have. Mowing helps prevent weeds from establishing themselves in the lawn.

  4. Planting Dense Ground Cover: Planting dense ground cover plants or low-growing shrubs can help reduce the available space for weeds to grow.

  5. Using Landscape Fabric: Consider using landscape fabric or weed barrier cloth in garden beds. This material blocks weed growth while still allowing water and air to reach the soil and plants.

  6. Hand Hoeing: Use a hand hoe to cut weeds just below the soil surface. This method disrupts the weeds' growth and prevents them from photosynthesizing.

  7. Boiling Water: Pouring boiling water over weeds in pathways or cracks can be an effective natural weed killer for small areas.

  8. Herbicides: If manual methods are not sufficient, you may consider using herbicides. Use selective herbicides that target specific types of weeds without harming desirable plants. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety guidelines carefully. I generally get 24 hour action weed killers from Bunnings.

  9. Maintaining Healthy Soil: Healthy soil encourages the growth of desired plants, making it more difficult for weeds to establish themselves. Test your soil regularly and amend it with organic matter to improve its fertility.

  10. Regular Maintenance: Regularly maintaining your backyard, including weeding, watering, and removing plant debris, will help prevent weeds from taking over.

Published on: Jul 21, 2023, 10:59 AM  


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