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Forestry plants that can be grown in Maharashtra

Growing plants in a forest for business (commercial) purposes in Maharashtra can be done through agroforestry or silviculture practices. Agroforestry involves the intentional combination of trees, crops, or livestock on the same land, while silviculture focuses on managing and cultivating forests for timber production. Here are some plants that can be grown in forests for business in Maharashtra:

  1. Teak (Tectona grandis): This is also called as Sagwan in Marathi. Teak is a highly valuable timber tree known for its durability and resistance to decay. It is widely cultivated for its high-quality wood used in furniture making and construction.

  2. Bamboo (Bambusa spp.): Bamboo is a versatile plant used in various industries, including construction, paper production, and handicrafts. It grows quickly and can be harvested sustainably.

  3. Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni): Mahogany is prized for its reddish-brown wood, which is used in furniture making, boat building, and decorative applications.

  4. Sandalwood (Santalum album): Sandalwood (also called as - Red chandan - Lal Chandan in Marathi or Hindi) is known for its fragrant heartwood, which is used in perfumes, incense, and traditional medicine. It requires specific growing conditions and takes several years to mature.

  5. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica): Tamarind (also called as chinch in Marathi) trees produce edible pods used in various culinary applications, and their wood is valued for its use in carpentry and construction.

  6. Cashew (Anacardium occidentale): Cashew (Also called as Kaju in Marathi) trees produce cashew nuts, and their wood is used in the production of furniture and musical instruments.

  7. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.): Eucalyptus (also called as Nilgiri) trees are fast-growing and have various uses, including timber, pulpwood, and essential oil production.

  8. Silk Worm Host Trees (e.g., Mulberry - Morus spp.): It is also called as Tuti in Marathi) If you plan to venture into silk production, cultivating host trees for silkworms can be a profitable business.

  9. Malabar Neem - It is used in plywood industry.

Before starting any commercial cultivation in forests, it is essential to consider the local laws and regulations related to forestry and land use in Maharashtra. Obtaining proper permits and approvals is crucial to ensure sustainable and legal business practices. Consulting with forestry experts or agricultural extension services can provide valuable guidance for successful forest-based businesses.

Published on: Jul 31, 2023, 09:01 AM  


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