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Differences between Biofloc Technology and Pond Fishing

Here are the major differences between BFT and pond fishing.

AspectBiofloc Technology (BFT)Pond Fishing
Environmental ImpactLower environmental impact. Reduces water exchange and nutrient discharge. Promotes sustainability. Hence it is suitable in areas where water is not available in abundance. But we need to supply oxygen via aeration systemMay have higher environmental impact due to water exchange and nutrient discharge. Aeration system is not required
Water ConservationPromotes water conservation through minimal water exchange and recirculation practices.May require significant water inputs and result in water loss through exchange.
Feed EfficiencyMore feed-efficient due to the use of bioflocs as a supplementary food source.May have higher feed requirements as fish rely on commercial feeds or natural food sources.
Published on: Jul 27, 2023, 07:06 AM  


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