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How to prevent DDoS attack against public files in S3

Preventing DDoS attacks against public files hosted in Amazon S3 involves a combination of AWS services and best practices to mitigate the risk and impact of such attacks. Here are several strategies you can implement to protect your S3 resources:

1. Use AWS CloudFront

Using Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN), in front of Amazon S3 can help protect your files from DDoS attacks. CloudFront can absorb a significant amount of network traffic and attack patterns before they reach your S3 bucket.

2. AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall)

AWS WAF can be integrated with CloudFront to provide additional layers of security controls, enabling you to block malicious web traffic based on customizable web security rules.

3. Logging and Monitoring

Enable logging and monitoring to detect and respond to potential DDoS activities:

4. Bucket Policies and IAM

Restrict access to your S3 buckets using bucket policies and IAM roles:

5. Origin Access Identity (OAI)

For S3 buckets used with CloudFront, configure an Origin Access Identity (OAI). This allows only CloudFront to access files in your S3 bucket, blocking direct public access to the S3 URLs.

6. Geographic Restrictions

Use geographic restrictions with CloudFront to block requests from regions from which you do not expect traffic or that are known sources of attack.

7. Scalability

Ensure your architecture is scalable to handle spikes in traffic. CloudFront and S3 are inherently scalable, but proper configuration and caching strategies are crucial to handle unexpected surges effectively.

8. AWS Shield

If you are under constant attack or require a higher level of protection:

Published on: Apr 30, 2024, 11:47 AM  


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