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why we can not walk in space without space suite

Walking in space without a spacesuit is not possible due to several critical factors related to the vacuum and extreme conditions of outer space. Here are some reasons why a spacesuit is necessary for survival in space:

  1. Lack of Atmosphere: Space is a near-perfect vacuum, meaning it has an extremely low density of matter, including gases. Without an atmosphere to provide air pressure and oxygen to breathe, a human would not be able to survive.

  2. Pressure Differential: The pressure inside the human body is higher than the pressure in space. If exposed to the vacuum of space, bodily fluids would vaporize rapidly, leading to a condition known as "explosive decompression." This could cause severe injury or death.

  3. Temperature Extremes: Space experiences extreme temperature variations, ranging from intensely hot when exposed to direct sunlight to extremely cold in the shade or during eclipse. A spacesuit provides thermal insulation to regulate the astronaut's body temperature.

  4. Protection from Radiation: Space is filled with various forms of radiation, including solar radiation and cosmic rays. A spacesuit's layers help shield astronauts from harmful radiation that could damage their DNA and lead to health issues.

  5. Breathable Air: A spacesuit contains a life support system that provides astronauts with a controlled environment to breathe, including oxygen to sustain life and remove carbon dioxide.

  6. Micro-Meteoroids and Debris: Space is populated with small particles called micro-meteoroids, as well as debris from past space missions. A spacesuit's outer layers protect astronauts from potential impacts that could puncture or damage the suit.

  7. Communication and Mobility: A spacesuit is equipped with communication devices, helmet visors, and gloves that allow astronauts to stay in contact with mission control and perform tasks in the vacuum of space.

Published on: Aug 26, 2023, 01:39 PM  


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