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top 5 space missions of ISRO

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has conducted numerous space missions, ranging from satellite launches to interplanetary exploration. Here are five of the top ISRO missions that have had significant impacts:

  1. Chandrayaan-1: Launched in 2008, Chandrayaan-1 was India's first lunar probe. It discovered water molecules on the Moon's surface, providing important insights into lunar geology and the possibility of future lunar exploration.

  2. Mangalyaan (Mars Orbiter Mission): Launched in 2013, Mangalyaan became India's first interplanetary mission. It successfully reached Mars' orbit in 2014, making India the fourth space agency globally to achieve this feat. Mangalyaan studied Mars' surface, morphology, atmosphere, and more.

  3. PSLV-C37 (Cartosat-2 Series) and RISAT Series: In 2017, ISRO's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) set a world record by launching 104 satellites in a single mission. The primary payload was the Cartosat-2 series satellite, which provides high-resolution Earth observation images. The Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT) series consists of satellites equipped with synthetic-aperture radar for all-weather surveillance. These satellites have applications in agriculture, forestry, disaster management, and more.

  4. Chandrayaan-2: Launched in 2019, Chandrayaan-2 was ISRO's second lunar exploration mission. It aimed to study the lunar surface, investigate water ice presence, and explore the Moon's south pole. While the lander experienced a hard landing, the orbiter continues to function and collect data.

  5. Chandrayaan-3: Launched on 14 July 2023, Chandrayaan-3 was ISRO's second lunar exploration mission. It aimed to study the lunar surface, investigate water ice presence, and explore the Moon's south pole. It entered moon orbit on 5 August 2023 and landed on Moon Surface on 23 August 2023. It focused specifically on the vikram lander and pragyan rover components to achieve a successful soft landing and rover operation on the lunar surface. India became first country to land on south pole of Moon.

Published on: Aug 25, 2023, 01:23 AM  


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